Top tips on maximising your health & fitness results


Time Saving Training

There are several reasons why you may want to streamline your workouts; you're in a busy crowded gym, you only have limited time in between meetings or on a break to get a session in, you may need to get home to your kids after work etc.

So how can you plan your workouts to be as efficient as possible?

1. Supersets

Supersets are simply where you pair two exercises together. For example: Goblet Squat x 10 reps immediately followed by Shoulder Press x 10 reps, then you rest before completing the pair again for 3-4 sets.

Supersets are efficient because you can get more volume of work done in a shorter time frame. They're also a great tool for fat loss and building strength.

There are several types of supersets that present different challenges.

Arguably the most effective are 'Antagonist' Supersets. Antagonist supersets are where you pair the first exercise with one that uses the opposing muscle groups for example, Chest Press with a Seated Row OR a Leg Extension with a Hamstring Curl.

2. Use the same bits of equipment for multiple exercises.

Grab yourself a pair of DB's and/or a KB find yourself a spot in the gym and get to work.

This prevents the awkward situation of waiting for people to finish using the piece of equipment you need.

You can do A LOT of great work with a pair of KB's.


A1: KB Push Press

A2: Dual KB Split Squat

x 3

B1: Goblet Squat

B2: KB Gorilla Row

x 3

3. PLAN YOUR WORKOUT IN ADVANCE (Follow a programme)

Seems obvious because it is. Get on a training programme that has your workouts already designed.

This prevents you wandering around the gym thinking about what to do next.

It also means you can have a look at your session before entering the gym - giving you a better idea of where you need to go and what equipment you need to use.

Use these simple tips and you can start to train smarter by making use of your precious time.

My online coaching programme provides clients with bespoke training programmes that are based on their body and their goals. Removing the guesswork and helping them get results.

Click here for more information - Personal Training




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